We are a Volunteer based organization that has grown into a family of like minded people. When Buddy was planning the Foundation and how it would work before he passed away, we’re pretty sure this was part of his plan.
There are many ways to support the Mission of the BPSF.
We have a wonderful group of volunteers but there is always room for more. Our needs range from skilled workers for Humanitarian Aid Projects to helping hands during various events such as the Buddy Classic and our Wintertime Blues Art Auction. Volunteers are also able to take on individual projects with the backing of the Foundation.
Here’s a perfect example. Rob Cordero was going on a surf trip to El Salvador, he contacted the Foundation and we networked with other groups to provide Rob with the equipment needed to supply 5 years of clean drinking water for over 2000 people in remote Villages on the Island.
The North Carolina Specialty License Plate Program
The BPSF is the recipient of the first full color surf themed License Plate in the United States. There’s not much that makes us happier to see than a BP Plate going down the highway. The Program donates 10.00 for each Plate, each year it’s registered. It is a tremendous help in our Humanitarian Aid efforts up and down the East Coast. Added bonus, you don’t have to wait until your registration is up, they just pro-rate the fee AND you can do it all online. Say goodbye to the long lines at the DMV!
Plate artwork by Mike “Nemo” Nemnich based on photography by Doug Waters.
A very important part of what keeps this Organization running is our Donors. It was a Donor, who chooses to remain anonymous, that made a donation to cover our Scholarship Program that got us up and operational within the first year of Buddy’s passing. We’ve been plowing forward ever since. Most of our Donors are part of what we call the Blue Collar Brotherhood. 10, 25 and 50 sweat covered dollars at a time. And those donations add up. We take it as a sacred privilege to have their trust that we will use that money to the best benefit of our Community. And our robust good reputation let’s us know that we have stepped up to the challenge and earned that trust. If you’d like to help us in our Mission through monetary means, please click the button below. Thank you.
This part of our Organization has been invaluable. We have wonderful loyal Sponsors for the Buddy Longboard Classic, but did you know we have Sponsors that help us throughout the year? Whether it is donating skilled labor, donating products, or allowing us to purchase at wholesale, all of these things add up and enable us to do the big projects that would not normally be within our reach. And yet, working together gets the job done. To all the Surf Shops that have supported us to all the local businesses that give of their time, money or product, this is how we make things happen. We have gotten them involved, kept them in the loop and followed up with the end results all while maintaining our recipient’s privacy. We have networked and built trust among each other. Since 1995 we have never had a single no to any request for help. That says a lot about our surfing community.
If I’ve left out a way that you are interested in supporting the Foundation, please feel free to share your ideas !
And away we grow !